大鼠.小鼠无创血压仪mrbp -尊龙凯时网娱乐官网





地址:上海市闵行区兴梅路485号 xingmei rd 485,shanghai,china

当前位置: > 生理信号测量 > 大鼠.小鼠无创血压仪mrbp









ø 仅有的可测量从小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠到猴的血压设备

ø 采用光电传感技术测量原理,适用于麻醉、清醒状态下的动物血压测量

ø 内置软件,通过触摸操作屏控制,操作方便。也可通过电脑控制。

ø 测量参数:收缩压、舒张压、平均压、心率等

ø 充放气速率1-10 mmhg/秒可调

ø 自动充放气,尾套气压限值和测试截止压力值均可调,提高测试效率

ø 血压测量范围:0-300mmhg,精确度±5mmhg

ø 心率测量范围:0-1000 bpm

ø 液晶屏实时显示参数测量值和脉搏波形,并能存储、编辑、打印数据

ø usb直接储存数据功能

ø 可一次性独立或同时测试多至200只动物

ø 适用于核磁共振条件(mri



无创血压实验需要提高受测体周围环境的温度。理论上,较高温度时,测量血压的效果很好。我们可以通过控制鼠尾的血量来控制大小鼠的体温。当体温高于正常值时,流经鼠尾的血液就会散掉多余的热量。体温越高流经鼠尾的血液就越多。研究发现,加热大鼠的温度高于32摄氏度、小鼠温度高于34摄氏度时,会产生热应力,动物的热量就会损失一部分。这就影响了真正的血压值(改变了差不多+/-12-28 mmhg








geraniol improves endothelial function by inhibiting nox-2 derived oxidative stress in high fat diet fed mice

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... hfd controls; n = 20) for 6 weeks. after 6 weeks, systolic blood pressure was measured
using tail cuff plethysmography (iitc life science mrbp blood pressure system). the
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disruption of calpain reduces lipotoxicity-induced cardiac injury by preventing endoplasmic reticulum stress

s li, l zhang, r ni, t cao, d zheng, s xiong… - … et biophysica acta (bba …, 2016 - elsevier

... animals were acclimated in the environment for 5–10 min after occlusion cuffs and pulse
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influence of p2x receptors on renal medullary circulation is not altered by angiotensin ii pretreatment

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... we confirmed that with this procedure systolic blood pressure (tail-cuff method,
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protective effects of at1-receptor blocker and ca antagonist combination on renal function in salt loaded spontaneously hypertensive rats/протективни ефекти …

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... function tests. sbp was measured by a pletismografic method (iitc life science
mrbp blood pressure system, california, usa) on the rats tail. body weight was
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the synthetic tie2 agonist peptide vasculotide protects renal vascular barrier function in experimental acute kidney injury

e rübig, j stypmann, p van slyke, dj dumont… - scientific …, 2016 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

... immediately before the first ultrasound examination, average blood pressure and heart rate
were measured via tail cuff in each animal (5 measurements) using the mouse blood pressure
system mrbp-m01 (iitc life science, woodland hills, ca, usa). ...

changes in protein and gene expression of angiotensin ii receptors (at1 and at2) in aorta of diabetic and hypertensive rats

r romero-nava, je rodriguez… - clinical and …, 2016 - taylor & francis

... systolic blood pressure (sbp) and heart rate were measured by a non-invasive blood pressure
tail-cuff method (mrbp blood pressure system, iitc, life science, woodland hills, ca) by
photoelectric detection in the rat tail and blood glucose levels were measured with a ...

low-dose insulin treatment ameliorate glucose metabolism in type 1 diabetic rats. j diabetes metab 7: 635. doi: 10.4172/2155-6156.1000 635 page 2 of 8 …

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... the blood pressure of rats were measured once every week using the mrbp mouse and rat
tail cuff method blood pressure system (iitc life sciences, usa). the tail cuff with pulse
transducer was applied onto the tail of the rat placed in a plastic restrainer. ...

benefício da utilização do novo alimento funcional salgante sem sódio sobre os níveis de pressão arterial em animais hipertensos

fsm rodrigues, ma yasuda, l de paula… - revista de pesquisa …, 2015 - pgsskroton.com.br

... os parâmetros foram aferidos através de método não invasivo (indireto) utilizando equipamento
mrbp (mouse rat blood pressure- iitc life science) nos dias zero (sem tratamento com nacl
ou salgante - pó de aspecto cristalino, branco e fino, solúvel em água, com odor ...



asic3 is a neuronal mechanosensor for pressure-induced vasodilation that protects against pressureulcers

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... the experimental protocol was approved by the scientific and ethics committees of the university
claude bernard lyon 1, france (no. ... blood pressure was monitored noninvasively throughout
the experiment using a tail cuff system (iitc inc/life science instruments). ..

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salt–sensitive hypertension and reduced fertility in mice lacking the prostaglandin ep2 receptor

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... mouse blood pressure was measured using an iitc life science model 27 cuff pump with a
model 179 blood pressure analyzer. pressure was measured at 30 °c and was initiated as
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chronic β-adrenergic stimulation induces myocardial proinflammatory cytokine expression

dr murray, sd prabhu, b chandrasekar - circulation, 2000 - am heart assoc

... system–audie murphy division, san antonio, tex (drm, bc), and the university of louisville
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of body weight, blood pressure, and heart rate (tail cuff, iitc life science model 29 ...


circulation 最新的影响因子为15.202 (2013) ,该杂志 2011年在 cardiac & cardiovascular systems (心血管) 同类期刊中的影响因子排名第 1位。

endogenous ligand of α1 sodium pump, marinobufagenin, is a novel mediator of sodium chloride–dependent hypertension

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... systolic bp (sbp) was measured weekly by tail-cuff plethysmography (iitc model 31, iitc life
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